This was a pretty cool, unique interview if I don’t say so myself.
As you might expect most of the folks I speak with are, you know, developers and entrepreneurs but this guys was none of those things. Instead, he’s a creative genius IMO. He was on cable TV for a while with a couple different shows and characters, one of them was Count Smokula the 496 year old accordian playing vampire, another show he did was with Lloyd Kaufman from Troma Entertainment (the guys that created The Toxic Avenger which both my older brother and I were obsessed with in the 90’s), he plays the guitar, accordion, piano, sings, dances, does comedy, was a circus ringmaster, emcee, he used to hang out Bob Dylan and even played him in a show once, and of course he paints and draws.
These paintings and drawings are now being turned into NFTs via OpenSea and even that itself is a hell of a story. Turns out the guys helping him do it are the family implicated in the Balloon Boy Saga from a few years back! The hell!? Yeah I know!
I was on the phone with Smokey for some time and this guy is sharp as a whip. I could barely keep up to be perfectly honest.
The interesting thing is that they are taking Smokeys art, scanning them into a computer in High Res and selling the scans with some original art pieces being sent out in some cases. Will it work, won’t it? I have no idea. But a very cool story nonetheless.
If the story interests you, give it a read.
submitted by /u/AftonCoger
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