One common thing we all have is the will to search and find a system trough that we can actually measure the hype in the market. Because the hype is truly what drives the market at the end and if we would be able to measure it we would have it pretty easy to roughly time our entry and exits. Sadly there is no absolute metric to do that.
But one very simple metric that can get pretty close to an absolute value for hype, may be Google Searches. In todays world people literally search everything up, thus it is a good way of seeing how many people are interested in Crypto right now.
Bitcoin Google Searches Trend, picture from CoinBeast
Here we can see the “Bitcoin“ Google searches and they do make sense as we can see a clear spike during the 2021 bull market, where most people started looking into Bitcoin. Right now we are at some very low levels, as it is supposed to be in a bear market. Our current lows are also on the same levels as in 2020, before the beginning of the bull market.
We could be in a similar situation too, with no bull market here yet and us possibly being in the early stages of one. The four-year cycle theory, which is one of the last ones standing, would agree with this too.
submitted by /u/partymsl
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