We are living in trouble times for cryptocurrencies but are we gonna leave like cowards or we will resist to all this pressure coming from all directions…?
Most of us are here for different reasons but we have one thing in common-
We are all part of one community who chosed to stay in 2023 and history will write about us.
And you know what…the previous bear market 2017-2019 the majority left the boat and completely forget about crypto but those who persisted become the new millioners from Cryptocurrencies.
This is not the end of crypto don’t be fooled by the news and “The experts”
Ultimately the bull market will come like everytime did and you won’t regret this decision.
And from what i see this time there is less panic selling, less inutile catastrophic price predictions, less dramatic reactions from investors…more determination.
Personally i continue to believe Q2 2024 would be the golden year for crypto. Patience is the key to succes
submitted by /u/Crypto-Jim33
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