Here is a list of alts that have been through more last two cycles and have also set an ATH in each cycle.
I’ve looked at top 150 coins by mcap on CMC (excluding BTC, ETH and stables). Prices are in USD.
Couple of things to note:
Some coins (BNB, ADA, LINK and ENJ) were launched at the peak of the bull, so haven’t been through price discovery on their first cycle. Make of that what you will. I have also excluded coins that have launched in Q2 -Q4 of 2018. Most of them would have set ATH in 2018 and then another one in 2021, but because they launched after bull market had finished I decided not to include them
In summary, out of the current top 150, only 18 alts have set ATHs in both of the previous two cycles. Some of them by luck of being launched near the top of the bull market, and some have just barely reached new ATH in 2nd cycle.
Coin Current Rank 2017 ATH 2021 ATH BNB 4 22.77 639 ADA 7 1.094 2.99 DOGE 8 0.01223 0.58 LTC 10 314.66 354.51 LINK 22 0.77 49.16 XMR 25 418.53 475.82 ETC 27 40 127.33 FIL 30 25.6 187 MKR 42 1700 5982 KCS 67 20.61 25.72 LRC 100 2.24 3.2 GNO 101 410 592 ENJ 102 0.46 4.2 BAT 108 0.8 1.62 DCR 116 117 235 WAVES 128 16.3 52.3 ZRX 148 2.05 2.16
submitted by /u/Simke11
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