As the title says the vast majority of FUD I see from people bashing crypto comes from individuals who have never used it. Keep that in mind next time you see an uninformed comment online.
And by use I mean actually using the crypto as designed. Buying Dogecoin on a centralized exchange and then never selling and riding it all the way to the bottom because you were going to “diamond hand” it like an idiot doesn’t really count as real usage.
I’ve seen very few people who have a non-custodial wallet like Metamask, who know how to open up an LP position on Uniswap, that can issue a loan on AAVE, that will sit here and say this is all useless.
There are some who actually understand the tech that are critics, but they are few and far between.
The majority of people on here saying crypto sucks have never even used it. So learn to tune out the ignorance online. Continue to educate yourself and learn as much as you can while everything is still quiet. Putting in the work now will pay rich dividends in the future.
submitted by /u/QualifiedUser
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