I think we can all agree that that place is a salt mine. Thousands of people that don’t understand crypto at all, or guys who went balls deep and bought at an ATH, didn’t see the profits they heard about and now dedicate their lives to “informing” everybody who’d lend them an ear that it’s a scam.
In saying this, I have come across one or two critiques that hit close to home now and then. One way back when was the energy consumption of crypto, but that that has changed on the last few years.
The other one that has left me unsettled and seeking more understanding from people who know the space better is a post that I read a while back that claimed child porn could be uploaded onto the blockchain with no option of removal. I hate this with all my heart if true.
What are some valid critiques you’ve managed to dig out of that cesspool of negativity?
submitted by /u/Abysskitten
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