I’m just posting here to get other people’s views really.
Like all of you, yesterday I saw the news that the SEC finally lost their case trying to prove a top 5 crypto was a security. I keep pretty up to date with crypto news (far more than I should really) so my algorithmic feeds (Google news, Reddit etc – I know I’m a trashcan normie in terms of news consumption) are all full of crypto news.
Today I went on my feeds expecting them to be awash with the news about the case being resolved, maybe even with some mainstream news networks covering it. This news is at least as big as the SEC suing Coinbase and Binance I thought.
If anything my feeds are emptier of crypto news than normal, and the only MSM sites I could find even covering the news with a targeted Google search were Reuters, WSJ and CNBC.
Maybe nobody wants to read positive news and that’s all this is, but it does feel like I should be seeing a little more buzz about this. Am I being paranoid?
submitted by /u/Loose_Screw_
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