So, like always just before and during big crypto runs, my family and friends have started asking me about it again. Only this time, it’s different family and friends! This whole space is growing and recently they’ve been coming to me asking about Bitcoin halving, not just “what random super duper X dog ZZZ 360 coin should I buy”
They’re also asking me if it’s okay to just buy a little each month, rather than wanting to dump X amount in on the next cool coin they heard about from some YouTuber. If this shift is happening in most circles and not just in mine, come the next halving we might have a whole lot of new HODLers DCA’ing into Bitcoin and other currencies.
From what they’ve told me, they heard Blackrock are looking at buying in or something like that (I didn’t bother looking it up). So they seem to be doing a lot more research than in the lead up to previous runs.
Anyone else experienced this shift?
My advice to friends and family is always the same. I never hype this up, because we all know what happens when the hype train runs out of steam and the inevitable dip happens. If they are hell bent on it, I’ll tell them to DCA small amounts slowly as they learn about it more and that they aren’t going to turn $100 into $1 million.
submitted by /u/BronnOP
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