With all the euphoria of moons lately I think it’s important to remember this phrase.
There are so many people saying things like “I’m up by xxx dollars” or “my net worth has increased by xxx ” or words to that effect.
Just try not to get carried away and remember:
It’s all “paper money” until it is realised!
Especially when talking about moons since a lot of people (me included) don’t even know how to trade moons!
Crypto is highly volatile and unrealised profits can quickly come and go even quicker.
Not saying that we can’t all dream and think about moons going to X amount. But with moons or BTC or basically any investment I think it’s always good to be wary of letting it go to our heads before profits are taken.
Which leads me onto words that are spouted by many investors and traders.
“You can’t time the market.”
So if you sell. Be happy!
Be ecstatic that you managed to make some money! Maybe a lot of money!
Think about the day you sell and think about how it made you feel. Remember it!
It’s very important to remember how you feel.
You needed it/wanted it. Embrace this moment of happiness.
Don’t have any regrets!
submitted by /u/Remyleboo99
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