This post is meant to be both a reminder as well as a discussion for how to best secure our crypto. Personally, I feel like I would be in quite a bit of trouble right now if I were to lose my phone. My authenticator would be gone. All of my saved passwords would be gone. I might be able to recover everything, but it would at the very least be a grueling process of identity verifications and back-and-forths with Coinbase and Kraken customer support (amongst others).
Legitimately, this is something I worry about. I know that I need to prepare for the event of this happening, but I don’t know what the best way to handle it is.
Are there programs where I can back up my authenticator and passwords on a separate device? Should I not even be saving passwords on my phone, does that put my crypto portfolio at risk?
I know many people like to put their crypto in cold storage on a Trezor or something like that, but I feel like most people (myself included) don’t want to have to go through all the trouble and just want to keep things simple.
Are there any simple tips people have for securing themselves and their crypto in the event that they lose their phone and can never retrieve it?
submitted by /u/AbrahamSTINKIN
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