I have seen alot of borderline delusional comments around the cryptosphere about how buying BTC is the key to financial freedom and early retirement. It is important to manage expectations when entering this space. Even the biggest projects today may not be the ones we see adopted world wide in the future. Early iterations of technology are often replaced eventually by improved ones.
When I started out years ago, I listened to every Joe, Mo, Dick and Harry about what coin was going to make me a millionaire – they were all fools. This led me to make many terrible investment decisions before I eventually became profitable.
Earlier this week, I saw one guys comment (most likely a maxi) who claimed that Bitcoin was guaranteed to go to 8 figures ($10,000,000+) eventually..
He didn’t know when, or how, but he was absolutely sure that it would. He was arguing others tooth and nail in the thread, who were urging him to check his hopium levels.
Let me be clear – there are very few people on this planet who deeply understand both how BTC works and its true purpose. There are very few people who deeply understand the connection between BTC and the traditional financial world. I definitely am not – that shit is complicated..
It would be absolutely reckless of me, a simple ape, to conclude that BTC is guaranteed to hit 1 million dollars, but there are many other apes like me that are dead set that this will be a reality. These people are dangerous to new investors.
People like Kathy Wood or other high profile investors like to claim they know what it’s capable of, and exactly how it will revolutionize the world – then mislead the public by taking far fetched bets at multi-million dollar BTC, but at the end of the day, they really don’t know shit about fuck either.
If you haphazardly go into BTC or any other project without thinking it through 100% and managing your expectations, you’re probably going to have a bad time. As much as you hate me saying this, even BTC could fail eventually. (Not that I want it to)
Use risk management and calculate your decisions carefully before you make them. Rather than looking to others for what to expect, use the math and available information carefully before making any assumptions, to give yourself every advantage possible.
Nothing in this world is guaranteed except for death and taxes.
submitted by /u/DeeperBags
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