I work in an industry where I deal with multiple high net worth clients 5million-billionaires.
I am in a position where I’m able to talk with the clients directly and can freely discuss a variety of topics. A fun curveball for me has always been “so I ask all my clients this, what is your position on cryptocurrency/Bitcoin and why?”
99% of their responses in the past 2-3 years – and most of them are in traditional finance – has been that they have never been the crypto guy (stigma there) but they do see a possibility in it. 3-7 years ago it was a hard no/scam response.
My point in this post is that my first hand encounters with big money, 5m-billionaires is that they have not yet drank the coolaid but are not opposed to accepting crypto and adding to portfolios. I asked two recent clients about the Blackrock ETF proposal and they both agree that would add legitimacy to the space and open opportunities not currently available.
Good luck to all, I hope this gives a small insight into the bigger players in finance who have not yet dabbled into crypto but certainly will as the infrastructure continues to develop.
submitted by /u/TheRealPeytonManning
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