I wanted to add link to that post, but you can’t link other subreddits… If someone is curious you can check in my posts.
I read few posts and comments here about toxicity of bitcoin subreddit, I always knew many of them are maximalists, but had no idea it is as bad as people describe it. So I wanted to check.
I asked:
” Is it true that you call every coin, other than bitcoin, a shitcoin (even ethereum) and ban everyone who have different opinion? I want to hear your sincere opinions.
Because I couldn’t believe in it actually. I expect more open minds from Bitcoin subreddit. Banning people for different opinions and fanatism about one coin are more for shady shitcoins subreddits, not for biggest and most popular crypto coin sub, with a lot of intelligent people.
I want to really know your opinions. Are some people here Bitcoin maximalists or you have more rational opinions about other coins? I for example have bitcoin, but also other coins. Diversification is important. “
I think some people agree, cause I get 2 awards, and for post with 6 upvotes and 7 comments that is a lot. Also upvotes instead of only downvotes mean most people there are no toxic and see the problem.
I contacted mods to ask why I got banned through message, so I have no idea with who I talked to. He told me that i promoted altocoins and I should spend my ban time on reading community guidelines. It look that some mod can’t handle discussion. I asked what exactly coin I promoted? I get answer that discussing shitcoins is not allowed, and… copy of one my comments here from CryptoCurrency, that I posted under post about bitocoin subreddit toxicity, that was negative about bitcoin subreddit. I don’t know what you think, but for me mod scrolling my profile and copying my comments from other subreddits to use them against me is really creepy. He told me checking user history is important to determine if it was mistake or trolling. Apparently asking questions is called trolling now. Also I was muted after receiving this message, so no more discussion.
submitted by /u/Nuewim
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