Too many macro economists are very pessimistic about the next months and years to come.
But most people in crypto have their 4-year-cycle in mind, that every 4 years when the Bitcoin mining rewards are cut in half, a few months after the bullrun will spark.
It happend 3 times already in the (short) history of cryptocurrencies. This “historical” track record of just 15 years too short of a time frame for most analysts to say how crypto evolves.
Everybody expected a recession to appear last year and it did not happen. It even turned into a small bullrun for the market 2023 Q1.
Now things are almost back as they were and people expect more pain to come…even for a longer time.
The main question now: Will crypto be experience a bullrun in 2024/2025 according for the 4-year-cycle? -or- This time is different and we will not have a bullrun, we skip this cycle and will only enter a bullrun in 2028/2029?
submitted by /u/34Sis
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