We’ve all heard of people like James Howells, he was doing some housecleaning in 2013 when he mistakenly threw out a hard drive that contained 8,000 bitcoin he had mined. To this day he’s still trying to get it back by convincing his city council to allow him to dig up the landfill that should contain the hard drive.
Also another famous example is Stefan Thomas, he lost the password to his iron key, the usb hard drive that contains the digital wallet that holds his bitcoins. It only gives users 10 password guesses before it encrypts its contents permanently, and Thomas 7002 bitcoin is lost forever. He has two guesses left.
Imagine these 2 guys having the chance to go back in time and change just one thing on their crypto journey and we’re fairly certain what they would choose to do.
If you would actually have this chance, to go back and change one thing in this crazy fun volatile exciting journey that we call crypto! What would it be?
submitted by /u/creativity3681
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