Nikola Tesla’s last message to his mother: “All these years that I had spent in the service of mankind brought me nothing but insults and humiliation.”
The last sad words of a beautiful genius that made the mistake to trust that good and innovation will actually make a change in a world ruled by greed, power and egoism.
Now here comes Bitcoin, it was the first cryptocurrency created and is now the most valuable and well known. It was first launched in January 2009 by a computer programmer or group of programmers under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, whose actual identity has never been verified.
When bitcoin was created and released, its intention was to offer innovation, freedom, protection, transparency and to eliminate the greedy middleman that has been sucking like a leech from regular hard working people for just simply having fiat, spending that fiat or sending that fiat.
Now 14 years later, the reality is that all that good that Satoshi wanted to create through his masterpiece is in fact the contrary of what he intended it to be. Greed, power and egoism is the reality of crypto today!
Satoshi intentionally hid himself from the world, because at the end of the line, even if he fully believed in the change its creation could cause, he didn’t trust that people will put it to the great use that it was intended for.
Tesla died with that regret, Satoshi made sure he won’t!
submitted by /u/creativity3681
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