Let’s assume it just never happens. Bitcoin/crypto trades sideways/downwards forever and was a big bubble that peaked in 2021 (I am not saying I think this – let’s be clear).
Where would that leave you? Are all of your eggs in the crypto basket?
At what point would you abandon your strategy of DCAing? You wouldn’t purchase bitcoin forever if it went downwards for the next 10 years would you? Or would you?
I am the first to admit that I give myself a little too much hopium at times, I am pretty sure we will see another bull-run and I like to hope that I will have a good return on my investment.
But I still think it’s important to entertain the idea that nothing is a certainty – so at what would your/my strategy change and explore other options? It is always good to have an exit strategy for both positive and negative outcomes – IMO.
Ps: yes I know posts like this mark the bottom lol
submitted by /u/mricecream429
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