You call this new tech? . I dreaded the possibility of me having to go through this nonsense just to be able to transform one token from the arb network into a token on another network.
You call this innovative tech? It’s a F’N abomination of innovation.
I’m no slouch in tech, I’m an old school tech junkie and I can tell you first hand that this was one of the most annoying processes I had to go through since running dual OS Windows 95/Linux redhat on a computer that was made 31 years ago.
The UI on DOS is more friendly and easy to understand for the average no nothing about puters parents back in 1988 , and that had no real GUI.
For cryptos and networks that are supposedly built based off pre existing networks , this process shouldve been much more simpler from the start.
There’s no excuse in 2023 why there isn’t the ability to directly swap one ethereum based token from an ethereum based network to another ethereum based token on another ethereum based network without having to first convert to eth for a fee just so you can pay more fees to swap that eth for another eth while inbetween this you have to add 700 different networks and tokens just to buy one stupid $4 RCA.
“But but…you only have to add all those one time”
Go pay $5 for bus ride just to go around in a complete circle to the same place you got on the bus so you can take another bus for $5 into a complete circle back to where you started before you get on the bus that takes you to the original destinstion where you first intended to be , then listen to me tell you “you only have to do that the first time”
Tell me how you like it. Then listen to me explain how mass adoption of this system is gonna explode.
submitted by /u/JuicySpark
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