This sub is a big “BTC & ETH” echo chamber sometimes, which is awesome and I’m not taking away from that. It’s safer and the potential for gains is still great.
Regardless, I know I am not the only one here for the alts (assuming ETH is not an alt). Yes a much greater risk, but a much greater potential return.
For those of you who are entirely btc/eth at the moment BUT plan on going in on alts – I ask you, what metric are you looking for in the market for you to decide “now is the time to transfer funds or exchange btceth for alts”?
Similarly, how many of you are already deep into DCAing into alts? Do you even hold btc/eth?
I am of the latter here – I dca into my alts now and they are the entirety of my bag. I do not own btc/eth irrespective of its potential safety, I use my stock market investments for more “safety”. With crypto I am aiming to be ready in 4-7 alt coins that I hope will pop in the future.
Despite this I know a lot of people are still waiting before they go heavier into alts – but what exactly are you waiting for? Do you want to see good returns on your btc/eth before you move funds over? Or?
submitted by /u/mricecream429
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