It was not supposed to be like this. I was not in the mood to browse fifteen fucking pages of ridiculously absurd coin names. I was looking for some material for a piece to make a point. You know, I think people take crypto too seriously, like dead serious. And well, the reality of the situation is a little unreal.
You want to see how much human beings can push a stupid joke? Apparently they can push it really really far! 190 coins far. Yes, there are literally 190 crypto assets listed on “coinmarketcap” who have “INU” in their names.
Fun fact before I ruin your day: INU means dog in Japanese.
Bull Inu, Trump Inu, Inu (yes, just Inu and there is two of them), Harry Potter Obama Inu, Inu Inu, hachiko Inu, Inu tube, love hate Inu, Zombie Inu (this one is actually cool!), The Simpsons Inu, streamer Inu, Mononoke inu (someone is both a charlatan and a Myazaki fan), Jerry Inu (the one who was harassing Tom), four different Pepe Inu (Edit from future: it is more than four), Harry Potter Obama sonic 10 Inu (I swear on my mother’s grave I am not making this stuff up, go Google it!), Harry Potter Obama Pacman 8 Inu, Harry Potter Obama wallstreetbets 10inu, Barbie crash bandicoot RFK 888 Inu (I dare you guys to call this post low effort. And FYI this one has a market cap of 200k), ElonXAIdogeMessi69Pepe Inu (that would be a cool password! Also clearly a Ronaldo fan), Bullshit Inu (a self-aware shitcoin).
Should I drop the rest of 190 names or was it “enough”?
Now, I want you to look into mirror and say this ten times with a straight face:
“Crypto is not a joke. It is all about application. Crypto is the future.”
Remember, If you laugh, you should start over.
submitted by /u/Successful_Craft3076
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