I live in a crap country where inflation in the last 40 years has surfed between 5000% yearly to 1% yearly currently at about 10%, I actually NEED SOMETHING that can hold any value, or at least manage to lose less value than our money.
It’s not about profit it’s just to not loose everything. A 90% value drop in 5 years is better than my bank in some situations.
Our government and justice system is absolutely crooked and you really can’t critize it even on twitter that you may loose all your socials, phones, AND your bank account or be charged thousands in fees for the having wrong opinion lol
Having a hard wallet is weird but trust me for some people it’s my last protection against this bullshit.
I keep seeing people being censored and loosing access to everything and if it happens to me at least I will have an ace in my sleeve.
ps: There is probably a list of countries similar situation
submitted by /u/zeehkaev
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