It is quite hilarious, how true the inverse r/cc meme is accurate over the past decade.
Almost every coin the subreddit hypes up goes nowhere, almost every coin the sub disparages, whether for good reason or not, goes up massively.
Algo, XRP, etc? Nowhere to be found
Doge, Solana, and every meme coin mentioned here negatively?
Reaches new ath within a few months of being hated on.
I am sure once the sub promotes Solana, it’s gonna crash.
To be clear, I only have a small bag of ~150 solana, most holdings are bitcoin and BAT, so I have no gain in the matter. I just think its hilarious how often popular points are wrong here over the past decade.
Moons failed, and was hyped for no good reason, when actual projects are ignored, and the sub is quite weird in general.
submitted by /u/Flares117
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