I told him it’ll never happen as I’m in debt and have no income to invest. I haven’t looked at or listened to crypto anything since ‘21 so I didn’t know anything specific about Hex, just that I’m not investing right now.
He said that with the cyclical market I can get as much Hex as he spent 3000 on for 300. I’m like wait, you lost 2700? “No, you can’t loose until you pull it out. He guaranteed me $1000 if I invest and loose because “I love you” and “I believe in it so much”.
I actually had to raise my voice to get him to stop.
The wife looks it up on our drive home and holy shit, you’d have to dig very deep to find an article that isn’t about how it’s a scam. I’m not terribly sophisticated but what would lead people to believe this is a good investment at this time. I don’t see any innovation with it, or really value at all. It’s sad to me because he struggles financially and can’t afford to burn his money either. Do I have the wrong read here?
submitted by /u/QuellishQuellish
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