I know nothing about crypto. Zippo. But recently a family member ( in laws) of mine told me how he turned like 10k into 50k in a matter of months. He was very secretive. Gave very little hints….something about a crypto savings? Nothing risky and something about terms? Like I think he has to leave it in there for a certain amount of time. He tells me hes about to pull out 50k later this week to show me as proof. Then tells me if I got money to invest he can show me how its done. I start to ask questions over text but he says im asking too much he has to show me in person on the computer.
NOW…..I never been scammed in my entire life because im super skpetical of everyting. I challenge everything. And Im thinking…..if its too good to be true it probably is. I tell him….if this is legit how then everyone would be doing it. If its that easy then everyone would know about it and do it. To me…..fast money or easy money there always a CATCH.
The thing is, I do trust him….cant see this guy as a scammer. But I just know in my gut….IF ITS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE IT PROBABLY IS.
My question for all you CRYPTO PROS : What could this be?
submitted by /u/GottaKeepGoing123
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