I do a lot of experimenting, and there’s also airdrop hunting. No matter what you do, you will leave small amounts of money in wallets on various chains that you may not use anymore.
For example, I still have $3.5 in ETH on Polygon Zkevm, some USD on ZkSync, $2.20 on Scroll… None of these tokens can be bridged to a chain I’m still using (bridges have limits), nor can I use these tokens for anything – or can I?
P2P trading on OKX is not available in Germany. I didn’t find ways to donate on these chains either. Do you guys have an idea what to do with this stuff? Or does anyone need ETH on zkevm and can trade it for a few CONE, BONE or MOON? Are there open P2P projects?
Your ideas are very much appreciated 🙂
submitted by /u/TwoCapybarasInACoat
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