It’s important to remember this, especially as the bull run commences. These channels are here to influence us, they masquerade as master traders who are just trying to give us alpha that is “informational” and “educational” all the while they market to us and behind the scenes are paid to influence us. They are not utilitarian and altruistic, they are manipulative and deceptive. They have teams that are paid to provide us with dazzling and mesmerizing graphics and charts that plant beliefs in us, but they’re shaping narratives and forwarding an agenda, do not be fooled and lulled into complacency. They’re wolves who herd us like sheep.
Everyday they shill investment advice, but are protected by the pedantically worded Terms of Service buried within their websites. They do everything they can to influence and shape our beliefs, purchases, and investments but take zero responsibility for anything.
Let’s take a look at InvestAnswers. His whole website and Youtube channel is based around giving you investment advise. Take a look at his “not financial prodcuts”. They look like advice to me. He has a whole gambit of increasingly expensive investing “tools” for gullible people. Please have a look for yourself!
Wow, for just 174$/month you can take all these investing suggestions and advice, you’re gonna be RICH!
But then take a look at the ToS, absolving them of any responsibility. And by the way, InvestAnswers isn’t giving you investment advice and is not a financial advisor or investment advisor, this is all just make believe, it’s just ENTERTAINMENT!
It’s just for entertainment! Haha, are you not entertained?!
For giggles give this little video of InvestAnswers a gander, you won’t be disappointed:
Now, for good old CoinBureu, the lovely completely unbiased gentlemen who is just out to help the lowly little crypto investor, he is just here to help you! Can’t you see it!
Good ole little CoinBureau is a subsidiary of, previously These wonderful little enterprises are are DIGITAL MARKETING FIRMS. And you guessed it, they’re here to help educate and inform you to the best of their ability… (haha, did you believe that?).
CoinBureau is a BRAND operated by MoonRock Media.
If you read through the ToS, it’s the usual bit absolving them of any liability. Nothing they say is investment advise, they’re all just here for entertainment and education! Except they stand by nothing they say and cannot be held liable for false information!
Who would have thought?! They get paid to market to you.
It’s pretty weird how V3 and Moonrock look exactly the same and do the exact same thing:
Coin Bureau was founded by Nic Puckrin:
Nic Puckrin using all the money you made him to do cool things.
Nic Puckrin on the best TRT funded by all the shilling. He is here to help!
He and Guy using all the money we made them to buy dinners in Dubai.
Nic Puckrin, is a former investment banker from Goldman Sachs. Definitely someone you can trust and is looking out for your well being, we’re all here because we love bankers, right!
Guy, the quirky lovable main character of the channel is a literal ACTOR. His cute English accent and likable demeanor are setup purposefully to INFLUENCE YOU.
To put it bluntly, Coin Bureau is founded and bank rolled by a Goldman Sachs banker, head quartered in Dubai and is operated by a sketchy digital marketing firm out of god knows where and by god knows who. There is almost zero information on who owns it and where it is located.
Stay safe out there folks, and remember all this stuff when consuming anything by influencers. They’re trying to influence you!
submitted by /u/gigabyteIO
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