Leave your price predictions below.
My prediction is $150,000 based on the following:
A 30% increase for inflation adjustment Since Oct/Nov 2021:
The $69,000 peak of 2021 is the equivalent of $89,700 today.
*****Can only be met if the stock market is also in a state of euphoria. Currently we are not in this state as the S&P 500 P/E ratio is 27.5, P/E ratio was 36 in Oct/Nov 2021.
A 50% increase for Easier and MUCH SAFER to buy BTC than in 2021
*****ETFs have eliminated novel crypto exchanges who mishandle funds, charge ridiculous fees, or require tedious crypto wallet transfers. Furthermore the Average Joe “hacked my crypto” stigma is gone with ETFs. Thus attracting the average Joe and Wallstreet
10% increase due to Higher BTC dominance
*****Since crypto ETFs are almost all Bitcoin focused it’s likely that BTC dominance will be higher than in past halving cycles. Perhaps BTC layer 2 projects will also be the new hot topic instead of sh1tcoin pumps.
submitted by /u/Bijan2000
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