I’ve been collecting Bitcoin since 2012, and I have 1 Bitcoin… because I was told to have that! I still have a folder on my computer filled with “21 Million Club” memes & “Whole-Coiner” memes, and so much hype that it was essentially propaganda for me to reach 1 BTC. But, for over 10 years I’ve met people who either didn’t know you could buy less that 1 Bitcoin or people who knew about Satoshi’s (0.00000001 BTC) & “Stacking Sats” but didn’t know what number to have as a reasonable goal. Now Bitcoin is $50k/ea & doesn’t seem possible/affordable to many, while 0.1 BTC remains achievable. Therefore: 0.1 BTC needs a nickname & the same level of hype if we want to see more people invest in Bitcoin, and cause further adoption.
P.S. 0.1-0.00000001 BTC will need to have subsequent nicknames over time as well, as Bitcoin continues to rise & prices-out new adopters from acquiring as much as the previous/earlier adopters.
submitted by /u/wileywyatt
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