U.S. resident here. I’ve never once been asked for a face photo by a normal bank or brokerage. Not ever. I’ve never been asked for a photo of my face when applying for a credit card, nor a mortgage, nor setting up a brokerage account, dealing with my 401(k) or IRA, never. Seriously, regular U.S. banks have been willing to lend me hundreds of thousands of dollars for a mortgage, and 10s of thousands of dollars for credit cards, all without ever wanting a photo of my face. When setting up an account at a regular bank or credit union, their KYC procedures involve me telling them my name, home address, and social security number, and the bank teller takes a photo copy of my driver’s license. But I’ve NEVER been asked to take a selfie photo, nor has the bank teller ever asked me to look at a camera for a photo.
That just seems… so… intimate… and wrong. It’s ONLY cryptocurrency exchanges that require this. Can somebody tell me why this discrepancy exists between cryptocurrency companies and banks? Is there a regulation that apply to crypto exchanges that doesn’t apply to regular banks?
I feel like this goes too far, and it majorly creeps me out.
EDIT: I’m not trying to be combative, I really want to know. People here are responding to the effect of “because laws”, but they are unable to explain the discrepancy between why banks don’t need our biometric data, but cryptocurrency exchanges do. If you’re going to claim it’s because of the law, then please cite the relevant USC or US CFR section, or a relevant court decision.
submitted by /u/DataHoardingGoblin
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