By now you’ve likely noticed that top companies are already implementing encryption that is prepared for quantum computing.
These updates are needed for digital signatures that currently protect your keys.
Apple is doing this to protect your iMessage- I think we should have at least that same security for our crypto assets!
Typically, someone will say if quantum can hack your wallet, everything will be vulnerable.
And that’s right- which is why Apple and Google and Governments and Military and Banks and everyone else are preparing or already implementing solutions. We are sleeping at the wheel.
We can’t just sit back and say this will be quickly and easily fixed when the time comes. If crypto isn’t prepared like everyone else, it will be an easy target. To gain consensus, build, and test we likely will need years. Plus we need to give people time to transition assets to a new set of keys that aren’t vulnerable. I’m not sure what we’ll do with old wallets from the Satoshi days. There is a lot of btc sitting there, and many have even older encryption that is vulnerable even if they never transacted.
When we do try to transition, asking users to adopt wallets they don’t know will not go well.
I would like to see top coins implement a cross signing model like Qanplatform has built.
This will allow users to continue using evm wallets they know and trust. That will limit disruption and allow us to continue using the ecosystem that’s been developed.
To create wider adoption, cryptocurrency should be leading this effort for secure digital assets. And it needs to start now. There are too many advancements in quantum computing and more efficient algos to ignore.
submitted by /u/Original-Assistant-8
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