It’s John Nash (watch the movie A Beautifull Mind), the only genius paranoid enough to keep his identity perfectly secret. The secret of Satoshi Nakamoto?
The koto (箏) is a Japanese plucked half-tube zither instrument, and the national instrument of Japan.
Sato refers to the common man, the most used surname in Japan
So let’s remove Sato and Koto from Satoshi Nakamoto.
We are left with shi Naam which spells out “I am Nash”
Bitcoin is the instrument for the common man, and I am Nash.
John Nash also developed encryption schemes for the NSA in the 50’ties and the last 20 years of his life he toured the world to talk about “Ideal Money”
Ideal Money is a theoretical proposal for a system of currency or money that is perfectly stable in value. Nash envisioned this system as a way to provide a global standard for currency that would not suffer from the inflationary and deflationary pressures that affect traditional fiat currencies managed by central banks. The concept is based on the idea that a stable currency could facilitate better international trade and economic stability by removing the uncertainties and inefficiencies associated with currency exchange and fluctuating exchange rates.
And he won the Nobel Prize for economics. I mean, can it be any more obvious?
submitted by /u/Ilovekittens345
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