i usually just read in this sub and dont post, but the recent posts i have been seeing about “taking winnings” are compelling me to make a post and give my view.
first i would like to lay out what i have been doing so far:
i started to add crypto to my portfolio 3 years ago. i first bought ethereum in early 2021. then i started to buy bitcoin.
i bought btc/eth during the bullrun of 2021. then when things crashed down i stopped. then started buying again in 2022.
guess what i was doing during the crab market of 2023? thats right. i was buying btc/eth.
i stopped buying eth in mid 2023, because i wanted to get more into btc, with the halving coming up one year later.
the last time i bought btc was in january of 2024. thats when i also stopped all DCA buys.
along the way i dabbled with some alts and made some losses that are negligible compared to my btc and eth holdings. after burning myself with HNT i decided to never touch an altcoin again.
why i am not selling
because i have a plan.
i plan to start selling off my eth and layering it into my BTC starting the end of this year. there are rumors of ETH etfs. if those happen during the summer ETH could still get a nice bump up. if not, then so be it. i plan to go all in on btc long term.
i dont plan to sell any BTC until early 2028. why? because thats when the mortage on my house matures and i either refinance or pay it off.
right now my portfolio is already big enough to pay off my mortage. so why am i not selling all of it and putting the money in some low interest secure savings account?
my reasoning
selling before the halving is insane. so is selling before the end of the year, because i think thats at least how long it will take for the halving to take effect. if you can hold, you should.
i also think that over the coming years the demand for btc will continue to increase, not decrease.
i think that now that the ETFs exist in the US we are entering uncharted territory. forget the cycle. i think the situation we are in right now can be compared to the early 2000s after gold ETFs were created. do i think that we can still 10x from here? no. of course not. but i dont think that a 3-4x is outlandish over the next ~5-10 years.
so why am i not buying more? i am happy with the percentage of crypto in my overall portfolio. i dont want to increase it. (around 65% of my portfolio is crypto, meaning BTC/ETC)
now of course things could all go to shit, but i rather stick to a plan, then fomo or panic sell and loose.
submitted by /u/throwdude33
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