Looks like this has been on Vitalik’s mind. He just posted this 17 hours ago.
His first point is to wait until it’s clear there is large scale theft? We won’t know this!
They will simply target random sized wallets and when someone claims theft, we’ll say “they must not have protected their keys.”
So, this needs to be addressed now, because there won’t be a memo when to act.
“Most users funds” ? I assume he means nothing we can do for whoever has their wallet stolen. Ugh
Interestingly, just yesterday I posted on Quantum Resistant coins like Algo, QANX, QRL. Maybe Vitalik noticed. These projects will offer solutions that don’t involve using STARKS – which Vitalik says are big, and hence need further concepts to help with gas efficiency.
I’d imagine anything that could impact gas fees will be met a lot of resistance. So consensus on this needs to be figured out asap.
This certainly sounds messy, but it needs to be addressed. Obviously the same applies to Bitcoin. BTC also has the issue of P2PK wallets from the early days which are more vulnerable. The longer it is ignored, the messier it gets.
This is all about signing and your keys, not to be confused with manipulating the chain itself (that appears protected).
And I still don’t see how this solve protects me. Do I get a new set of keys through this process? Because if quantum can determine my keys from an outgoing tran from years ago, then what prevents them from initiating this exact process. At a minimum until I take action it seems I would be vulnerable. That’s why I’ve always thought we need to give people a few years to take whatever action is required.
submitted by /u/Original-Assistant-8
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