This second week has been quite bloody for the Memecoin portfolio. Except two of these coins (PIP and POPCAT), the rest went down quite a bit “Growth WoW” (week-over-week).
I decided to add a new column of information (WoW) and also the growth of BTC and my “normal” portfolio to compare with.
SOLAMA is holding better than I expected and POPCAT, on the contrary that I was expecting, didn’t implode yet, and it even increased on value.
Two of them lost more than 50% of their value WoW, but so far the portfolio is still in green compared to the initial investment (167% up).
This week, my portfolio behaved better than BTC and the Memecoin Portfolio.
Which coin do you think it’s goin to be the one in losing more than 90% of the initial investment amount?
See you next week!
%Growth = compared to initial investment
PS: Please, remember that any of this are investment ideas, and it’s just an experiment to measure the “memecoins” phenomena with memecoins that are not listed in any mayor exchanges (and with some luck, earn extra Satoshis)
submitted by /u/Cryptogenia
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