As of right now, all games that include nfts are completely based around them, like how in axis infinity the resources and pets being nfts who are sellable/buyable are the big thing about the game. While that works, it’s extremely hard for someone to get into the game just to play the game because of the high buy in cost and the focus the game puts on nfts
Now imagine how crazy it would be if a game like cs:go made it so that all your skins in the game became nfts, the hype would be unimaginable and he game would have a huge surge of popularity, along with it revitalizing the trading community
While I do think cosmetics are where nfts shine the best in terms of in video games, there are still other applications for nfts in a game, like for example imagine if a game about creating your own cafe has ingredients as nfts, and you could also create them yourself using different machines and you could use the ingredients to make drinks which would bet you coins to buy more machines or ingredient.
What’s are your thoughts on the future of nfts in gaming?
submitted by /u/Thym3Travlr
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