Hi there ! I own an e-commerce webshop where crypto payment will be soon available. As in real money, I owe a personnal and separate business debit card (at the same bank), I think it would be ideal to do the same regarding the crypto world : having a personal and business crypto wallet. My personnal crypto wallet is on kucoin, I like the ease of the kucard and its cash back features. Problem is that I’m far from sure that you can have 2 kucoin accounts. I’m even less sure that kucoin have business account possibilities. So I’m okay migrating to another wallet for my business needs. Do you have any in mind that would come with a card also ? I need to buy quite often stuff for my business, either online or in real life and it’s not on Amazon or in a gaz station that I’ll be able to pay crypto. Unless I have a crypto business card. Hope someone relates and can suggest me. Thank you š
submitted by /u/GeneralNo8471
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