Yesterday i made a post about scam coins with no real value. I expected to see common sense and critical thinking, criticism against shitcoins. Unfortunately what I saw was universal love for shitcoins, how people see them as their winning lottery tickets. What’s 20$, if it moons I will win a lot, if it gets rugpulled I lose only 20$.
Everyone here screams adoption this adoption that, but nobody realizes that every time they support a scam coin they don’t only lose money, they take a giant shit on crypto’s credibility.
You’re wondering why your parents think crypto is a ponzi, while you put yet another 50$ on a rugpull doge clone. Maybe you’re a part of the problem mate.
Yes scams will happen always but when the hive mentality “its only 20/50$” still exists, crypto will never be taken seriously and adopted at large.
Scams coins aren’t gonna stop existing until the demand of them is non existant. And it’s not a big amount but if 3.5mil people start using their brains and not their get overwhelmed by their “where lambo” mentality things might get a little bit better.
Stop spending your money in shitcoins and DYOR. Don’t make exploiters rich. Be the better person.
submitted by /u/afriendlystone
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