I just review a historical snapshot on 17/12/2017 – this is the day when BTC reached the top of the last bull run at over $19,000.
A staggering 72% of top 100 coins back then are now out of top 100. Of course looking at ranking is a relative perspective. However, even if you take market cap into account, the vast majority of these coins do not actually gain anything significant. Little upgrades, lack of funding, little innovation to keep it up with the current market needs – sending these coins into oblivion.
Top 100 back then, not now – the forgotten
18 Bitconnectttttttttttt
19 PPT (Rank 392 now, market cap dropped from $1.75B to just $99M today)
21 LSK (Rank 138 now, market cap dropped from $1.56B to just $480M today)
25 STRAT (Rank 164 now, market cap dropped from $1.11B to $349M today)
26 BTS; 27 ARDR; 28 HC; 29 BCN; 30 NXT; 31 MONA; 32 XVG; 34 ARK; 35 SNT; 37 STEEM; 38 VERI; 39 DCR; 40 EMC2; 41 SC; 42 SALT; 43 KMD; 44 REP; 45 PIVX; 46 GNT; 47 PAY; 48 GBYTE; 49 ETN; 51 VTC; 52 QASH; 54 FCT; 55 DGD; 57 KNC; 58 MAID; 59 GAS; 60 AE; 61 INK; 63 BTM; 64 POWR; 65 SYS; 66 SAN; 67 WTC; 69 BTCD; 70 ICN; 71 ZRX; 72 CNX; 73 XZC; 74 RDN; 75 GNO; 76 BTX; 77 GXC; 78 NEXUS; 79 FUN; 80 PPP; 81 DATA; 82 MCO; 83 REQ; 84 GAME; 85 DRGN; 86 DENT; 87 MTL; 88 NAV; 89 CVC; 90 ETP; 92 PURA; 93 PPC; 94 SUB; 95 EDG; 96 STORJ; 97 BLOCK; 98 REVAIN; 99 BAY; 100 COB.
The honorary mentioned
53 DGB* (now 108th). Market cap did grow from $341M to $832M now.
62 NANO* (rank 110th now). Market cap did grow from $278M to $745M today)
The survivors – Top 100 then, still top 100 now, but not much talked about these days
9 NEM (now 70th); 11 BTG (now 90th); 17 QTUM (now 86th); 20 OMG (now 87th); 22 ZEC (now 67th); 23 WAVES (now 50th); 39 DCR (now 64th); 56 BAT (now 92nd); 68 MANA (now 75th)
The outliers
24 USDT (now 5th)
33 DOGE (now 9th)
The gems
36 BNB (now 4th) – back then $5.76 for a BNB, now $409!
50 VET (now 28th) – back then VEN, now VET. Market cap grows from $346M to $7.2B today!
91 LINK (now 15th) – back then $0.42 for a token, today price is $28.36
submitted by /u/milonuttigrain
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