People’s opinions on this sub change like wind. One day they love something other day they hate it or other way around. Problem is that most of them have no idea what they even talk about. They just like sheeps follow trends, cause they see people praise them for it. And all trends are temporary. One day on this sub everyone love some coin cause it is growing, even if they never heard about this coin before, or hated it. Next day when coin stop growing or we have some bad news everyone will hate coin with full passion. Mindless hypocrisy at the finest.
Of course not all people here are like that. Some are loyal to their coins and do not FOMO in everything that is shilled at the moment and do not spread FUD just because some ignorants panic without a reason. Having your own believes is always better strategy. If you believe in your coins you don’t need to be like mindless mirror that repeat every news. Jost HODL, most infos do not concern you, let other people sell or buy at the heat of the moment. Have long term strategy, if you want to buy or sell just do it. If market is not the best, simply wait. Don’t do things you don’t want just because some randoms at reddit advice you.
Most people here are panickers and FOMOers. They panic if market is just -5% red or they dream about lambos if it is +5% green. It was always like that and probably always will be. This subreddit and most crypto investors work like that. You need to accept it. Some people grow up, many don’t. They will always panic, and do whatever other people here tell them. Buy this, sell that, crypto is ending, or maybe not. Just ignore it.
submitted by /u/Nuewim
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