If you were around in 2021 you probably remember some of these:
$1 Doge before $100k Bitcoin $10k ETH before $100k Bitcoin $4 Algo before $100k Bitcoin $5 Cardano before $100k Bitcoin $100 Link before $100k Bitcoin. $100 Dot before $100k Bicoin
Bitcoin is edging $100K none of the alts are close to their 2021 target. Hell somehow Doge is the closest of all of those at 40% while others alts are barely 6% (looking at you ALGO) of their 2021 $100k BTC target.
With this new cycle new bull targets are already being set up –
I believe ETH will hit $10k before Bitcoin hits $300k I believe Algo will hit $1 before Bitcoin hits $300k
The point is this line of thinking is a trap. In an alt season some alts may gain value against BTC in the short term but long term nearly ever alt will bleed value against BTC. Especially now with literal Bitcoin Reserves being discussed by governments around the world. Don’t fall for the trap.
submitted by /u/GabeSter
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