After spending hours on their community platforms this is my conclusion:
They are putting too much attention on the price over ways “shitcoin” could be actually useful in real world
Mostly their websites have vague information about goals and usually it is followed by graphics with astronauts, moons, stacks of money, people climbing to the clouds, flying in a spaceships etc. I have a feeling that 90% of them didn’t read the white paper, and the ones that did and saw that “shitcoin” white paper doesn’t cover any real world use are being downvoted to eternety When you ask them why you should buy “shitcoin” their biggest focus is on how the seller’s fee and manual burns of tokens should be good for the price Shilling their “shitcoin” from a celebrity who has no idea about cryptocurrency is presented as a valid reason to for buying There is atleast one post of someone going ALL IN on the “shitcoin” and most of the people are acting like it is the next best thing right after the Bitcoin. The ones who don’t think the same way are getting downvoted to eternety in old fashioned way The coin is the most undervalued project…this counts if there is actually a project behind it, if there is not they will keep talking about manual burns etc. All of their community platforms like Telegram, Discord, Viber, WhatsApp etc. are full with memes, pictures, and jokes. Any serious question goes unoticed in purgatory. Any red flag, like an enormous drop in price when everything else pumps is justified with a “great time to buy the dip” Their devs team are crypto gods, and they possess knowledge like nobody else in the world All the flaws in the coin are ignored while any good thing is celebrated like it is going to change the world to better at that very moment
Don’t let the early returns fool you. Trading shitcoins is as risky as it gets. Nobody here likes shitcoins. The people who love them are the ones that will buy the coin as soon as it launches and get out as soon as they can. People who are telling you to HODL are probably the ones that are too deep in it to sell at loss. They want you to stay so they can get out.
Holding shitcoin for a long term will most likely result in a loss of money – Losing money made me wiser, take this seriously even if I am not your financial advisor.
submitted by /u/UnexperiencedIT
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