Imagine being sat at dinner and having a lovely conversation with your partner. Maybe the kids are chatting about school and telling you about their day. Then there’s a lull in the conversation as your wife goes to get pudding. I’ll just check the charts you think… I can’t remember the stop-loss on my multi-million dollar position… wait a minute…. What’s this giant green FUCKING DILDO DOING ON MY SCREEN! The room spins, your stomach knots… ‘Daddy?! Daddy are you ok?!’ you hear distantly… you whisper quietly as you stand on unsteady legs to leave the table… no Timmy, no I’m not, and Christmas is cancelled this year. You stare out the window at the Lambo that’s about to be repossessed as a tear slowly trickles down your cheek. Poor rekt bear.
submitted by /u/thedudeabides80
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