I started my crypto journey in April 2021, being on the wrong side of 50 and chronically aware of having another 18 years until I retire, tired and wanting a rest, I began researching Bitcoin with the idea that maybe I could invest and retire a little earlier.
Contrary to many beliefs that the older generation have exploited & plundered the world, leaving the youth of today with nothing but fading hope, I’m just a young man inside who’s grown older, with no more money than anybody else, in fact I’ve young children (they are life’s biggest expense) bills to pay, no major savings (very difficult when you have kids) mortgage etc & with age comes the aches & pains of life. My parents didn’t pay for my university course, or give me money whilst I was there, in fact I arrived with £10 in my pocket & lived on £1 a day back in 2004, it was hard going & I made it myself with no one’s help after escaping a council estate lifestyle, divorced parents with no jobs and I simply worked McDonald’s and similar to earn money, with no expectation to make anything of myself, just like all my friends at the time. University was for the middle class, council house kids from broken homes don’t have a long view of life beyond thinking about earning money as soon as possible. I was the 1st in my extended family to go to university in 3 generations, so I broke the mound.
I’m working a professional job, full time and I’ve just spent the last year caring for COVID patients on ventilated life support on an Intensive Care Unit, and quite frankly it has exhausted me mentally, physically and emotionally, (watching people die is no fun, watching your colleagues end up on a ventilator and die was soul destroying & thinking you could be next was fucking scary) so crypto is my way out and hopefully retire a little earlier if possible. I knew nothing about cryptocurrency, so I’ve educated myself to gain some knowledge, researched a few coins and settled on Matic (polygon) , as it had a good clear use case, and I believed it could be the coin that might provide that way out for my family. The only positive us older people have, is life experience and taking bigger risks based on that experience, and with that I’ve purchased a decent amount of Matic when it was £0.26, sold at £1.20 & now all on ETH. Hopefully within 2 years I can retire & spend time with my family.
My whole point of this post is simply to say, us older buggers are just like you, just older. I’m looking to to earn as you, make a decent profit as you, dream of a life with no worry and hopefully have that ‘Lambo’ you all talk about, instead I’ll have to stick with my Nissan Note that’s 10 years old. Get up and go to work wearing my double respirator mask all day, just getting by just like you guys/gals. In 10-20 years you’ll be just like me, but the difference is you all have;
1) 24hr fast internet 2) Mobile phone’s with more power and capability that the 1st rocket to the moon. 3) Technology that emerging so fast that it’s simply mind boggling 4) Cryptocurrency 5) Youth
The world is yours now, and right now instead of looking for the immediate life changing coin, which only happens if you have life changing money, put it on a solid best bet such Bitcoin or Ethereum, wait a year or 2 and Then cash out and go get your dream, whatever that dream is. Deposit for a mortgage, new car, pay for your wedding etc, as that is life’s reality. I wish I knew about or had money back in the day for crypto, but the truth is the internet back then was pretty shit to be honest, and cryptocurrency didn’t exist, and I couldn’t afford a mobile phone or internet anyway, and I was flipping burgers 🍔 for £56 a week. Many are saying that they don’t have the opportunity as the older generation did…..I disagree, you people are living a life I could have only dreamed of, cryptocurrency at this early stage is an awesome opportunity and I would encourage you all to simply take full advantage of it, and I wish you all the best………truth is, by the time many of you hit 50 years old, I’ll probably be dead 💀 & the youth will be complaining about you.
EDIT: A huge (and I bow before you) thanks for the awards, moons & a bloody decent conversation from you all, I was waiting for the rock throwing but instead got covered in good vibes 😊 🤟
submitted by /u/Littlebig4667
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