It’s quite a popular belief that user experience and a lot of technical terminologies are in a lot of cases the reason that is stopping crypto from further adoption. For example, take a look at the DeFi sector, which you might want to consider only if you have a decent amount of money, technical know-how about the blockchain, and the time to keep up with things.
If you want to convince the average person that they should use cryptocurrency, you’re going to have to do more than just tell people it’s better than credit cards or cash. Sending fiat money via an app can be as easy as ordering a pizza, but sending tokens is a punch in the guts. Gas fees, selecting the network, waiting for hours with the thought that you would send a considerable amount of money into oblivion is too much to bear.
Imagine a wallet that just works. Instant transactions, no gas fees, no network problems. I’ve discovered that there are a few apps like this (i.e. Natrium) that are built on top of the Nano blockchain, but they are limited by their reliance on that blockchain, so there are no Doge-For-Apes and no smart contracts, neither are there DApps. Keep your Google tab open in front of your eyes if you want to do something more than pay for a coffee (Chivo App, I’m looking at you, buddy).
Even though I am personally fond of centralized wallets from Coinbase,, etc., they are not available in my country (and looking where everything is headed, I’m sure they will never be). The politics game is always pressuring centralized solutions, which is why players like me are always looking into DeFi, but the user experience there leaves much to be desired. Read this hilarious thread about the user experience of Solana blockchain and try not to feel the pain.
I’ve tried many crypto apps, but I’ve yet to find one that’s an all-in-one solution, a crypto-app that has all the required features, can work with a variety of blockchains, and is simple enough to be used by the average Joe. Even if my grandma was interested in crypto, I could not show her an app that would make her comfortable enough to use it because there is no app like this.
Until crypto’s user base consists of tech-savvy grandmothers and grandfathers, it will remain mainly an enigma to the majority of the population. For example, look at how “quickly” the internet became ingrained in our life, it only took 30 years to become a part of every generation. Having so little education and developers who focus more on tech than user experience, a widespread of crypto in its present form would be achievable only when we are these tech-savvy grandmothers and grandfathers.
submitted by /u/undevy
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