Etherscan shows 258,903 holders for hex
I went to etherscan and looked up HEX. It shows that there are 258,903 holders and you can see the top 1,000 holders. However, if you choose Download CSV Export at the bottom, you get the first 100,000 token holders. I went ahead and downloaded these.
91,964 out of first 100,000 addresses never bought hex!
I also did this for Safemoon and WISB on binance smart chain. I plotted the token balance distributions. For hex, I saw a huge spike in the histogram plot.
The top plot shows the single spike for hex. In the bottom plot, the vertical scale is logarithmic, so every major tick on the axis means 10 times more balances.
Looking in the raw data, it appears that most balances have exactly 100 HEX.
91,964 out of 100,000 addresses have 100 HEX to be exact!
One address sent HEX to 173k addresses in large batches, mostly small amounts of 100 and 101 HEX
The sender address is 0x0b795e585ec0436e4572cc9b24fc5da1faf9cfc6.
Etherscan page for this address found 173,310 ERC20 transactions and shows the last 10,000 transactions. And what do we find here?
9,693 of the last 10,000 transactions are send transactions of 101 HEX to different addresses. They were all sent on June 27 of 2020 between 17:28 and 19:31. The other 307 transactions after, contains mostly send transactions of larger HEX amounts. Like 14 times a send transaction of 12,201.83575 HEX for example.
At the bottom, you can choose Download CSV Export again. This gives the first 5,000 ERC20 transactions. The address received 2,000,000 HEX on March 27 of 2020 as first transaction. It sent 1000 HEX each to 1000 different addresses the day after on March 28 of 2020. Then it received another 1,000,000 HEX from the same address on March 29 of 2020. And the next two days, it sent 100 HEX each to over 3998 different addresses.
Till this day, all these addresses that I’ve seen, never bought more or sold or staked HEX. You might find a few exceptions if you go through them. I don’t know.
So we know that of the first 100,000 hex “holders”, 91,964 of them never bought hex, but one address just dropped hex to these addresses. And they still have the same amount of 100 or 101 HEX that was sent to them.
This address made 173,310 ERC20 transactions in total.
Now, there is still an unknown gap of three months between the first 5000 transactions and the last 10,000 transactions of this address. But we can select a different date range for CSV export to get these transactions. Then we find that almost all the transactions are of small amounts of 100 and 101 HEX sent to different addresses in three months time, between March 27 and June 27 of 2020.
So we know now that least 173k out of 259k holder addresses never bought hex!
Help expose this scam
Maybe you could help investigate this further. How much of the 86k remaining holders are real buyers? Richard Heart wants us to believe hex has a large number of users, but most of the holders are not buyers at all.
Great work by user 11sensei11 (I’d tag but it’d get removed)
Also this post will be brigaded by the HEX “community” as per usual, but people need to know the truth on this elaborate scam. Stay away at all costs.
submitted by /u/Chicky_Nuggy
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