I know the thrill when you make some big gains after holding something forever and that itch to proudly share it with the world, but just don’t. Especially if you are new to reddit, or you jumped to crypto only recently.
Just because somebody isn’t positing their crypto holdings, doesn’t mean they don’t know what they’re talking about. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone here, be wise and keep if for yourself.
You never know who the person you’re speaking to is and what stake they have or the knowledge and experience they may hold. They might as well be the scammer or hacker, and sharing any information could cost you loosing your investment, which is more often than not MORE than you could afford to lose even dough you see people advising against it every day on this sub.
So with that said, if you’re new here, let’s try to stay true to what this sub was made for – to discuss crypto currency. If you need visual confirmation of people’s holdings and want to talk shit, wallstreetbets is only a click away. This isn’t the place though
Edit: i forgot to mention maybe the most crucial reason not to share it. YOUR OWN PERSONAL SAFETY. Few days ago someone posted a story how some guy got kidnapped and left to die in the forest after abductors made him unlock his binance and transfer all his holdings to them. You never know who is reading and all it takes is just one wrong person to identify you. Stay smart and stay safe.
submitted by /u/SuperBoner6699
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