Everyone in party mood but don’t forget that Mad Money moron who somehow still has a job giving bad advice after bad advice about crypto for years.
On September 20 he was trumping up Evergrande China FUD based on unproven speculation that Tether was holding Chinese commercial paper and begged everyone to sell.
“I know the crypto-lovers never want to hear me say sell, but if you’ve got a big gain as I did, well, I’m begging you to. Don’t let it become a loss. Sell some, stay long the rest, then let’s wait and see if China changes its attitude toward an Evergrande bailout.”
“The problem with tether is that it’s backed by various holdings and roughly half of those are commercial paper — short-term loans — and much of that is believed to be, but we don’t know, Chinese commercial paper.”
How about STFU if you don’t know instead of creating a dramatic story out of what you don’t fucking know?
Quick update on that China FUD. Bitcoin still doesn’t give a fuck about China. Better luck next time.
submitted by /u/KAX1107
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