Thought this would be the right time to post this, as it seems we may be at the start of a bull run. Twitter account @ SecretsOfCrypto has been incredibly useful to me in understanding the current situation we’re in, as well as putting together an approach for the next few weeks and months – full credit for all infographics goes to them.
Path to Altseason: very helpful in understanding where we currently are in the cycle, which is Phase 1. I believe this to be accurate this time around as well, there’s already talks of Ethereum having bigger potential than BTC, while smaller alts seems stagnant or are actually down.
Flow of the Crowd: know and understand how the majority of investors will behave, and capitalize on it. Great pointers on what to do with your money at which point, right now somewhere between 1 and 3, probably. (Who knows for sure?)
Compounding Gains: a step-by-step on how to grow your investment in cryptoassets. Now is the time to build a portfolio of altcoins. Very wise advice also not to buy back into alts that have already pumped, as the bigger profits will come from fresh opportunities.
Make sure to read the full thread of infographics on the topic! Valuable information on how to survive the coming bull run:
Good luck to all! All credit for the infographics goes to Twitter user @ SecretsOfCrypto, many thanks for sharing and may your future only hold green dildos.
submitted by /u/Kashnaru
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