Since we all love moons, and comments are the best way to farm them, I have decided to make a list, compiling all of the best comments to farm moons. These will only be useful for a certain kind of post, so always use the comment you feel is the most relevant, no point in typing “Buy High, Sell Low” in a post complaining about the politicians trying to FUD crypto.
“Buy High, Sell Low”
Anything positive about NANO, ALGO, BTC, ETH and ADA
Anything negative about Safemoon and Shiba “Inject the hopium”.. perhaps add “into my veins” or if you wanna be controversial, “like I was roleplaying the chinese and you were roleplaying the british”
“Fuck the congress”
“Apes together strong” many of us both use r/wallstreetbets and r/cryptocurrency so all of their signature comments works here aswell
“DCA” And other normie boomer investing words. Some guys are apparantly here for making money??
“Ahh a fellow moonfarmer”
Random GIF that fits the post, this is literally one of the easiest ways to earn moons
“Fuck bitboy” and if you wanna be controversial, “Bitboy did 9/11”
“Not your keys, not your crypto”
“Nobody knows shit about fuck”
“Buy the rumour, sell the news”
Now sort by new, and you are good to go. You are welcome to add more in the comments i forgot, you guys moonfarming right now
submitted by /u/Boohl
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