I did something stupid.
I bought FLOKI on mexc.com with USDT (I won’t say how much) and accidentally transferred the BEP20 version of Floki to my Metamask address instead of ERC20.
On the withdrawal screen it gives you both options, and BEP20 was the one selected so I just went with it.
Anyway, to make a long story short, my flokis are lost in god knows where and I don’t think I can get them back. Nothing shows up on Etherscan for this transaction either. I’ve contacted mexc with my problem, but I doubt there’s anything that can be done.
How not to be a dumbass: always check if you’re sending on the right network, always send a small amount first as a test.
Thank you
Edit – I was saved by u/dzhebarov who recommended I try this https://community.metamask.io/t/sent-form-bep20-to-metamask-and-no-funds-showing-how-to-recover-the-tokens/9409 and it worked! Enjoy 6 moons on me.
submitted by /u/brilliantblues
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